October 31 of Arise with Christ

Good shall triumph

At the end of time and at the consummation of all things; good shall triumph over evil.
Love will overpower the darkness of hate.
Peace will still all the storms of strife.
Joy will wipe away all the tears of sadness.
Kindness will conquer and overthrow all cruelty.
Faith will dispel all doubts.
The power of God will rout and banish forever all the powers of darkness.
Life will conquer death and death will be no more.
Gentleness will soften all the hard hearts.
Meekness will overpower all pride.
Humility will bring low all the high minded.
Truth shall prevail over all deceit.
The chosen of the Lord shall go forth with the diadem of everlasting joy on their heads.
©10/31/2001 Jim Welch
October directory