September 27 of Arise with Christ
Stand up for Jesus
Stand! Stand up for Jesus.
Let Jesus be your buckler and your stay
for by his cross he opened the door of
salvation for us and made straight our
crooked ways.
He reconciled us to The Father, our God,
and made us joint heirs with him of
everlasting and eternal glory and life.
Stand! Stand up for Jesus.
Sing of his praises and of his glory.
him all ye children of the Lord and give
thanks onto our Father for the atonement
Jesus had wrought for us.
He suffered and
died for us the agony of the cross and paid
with his blood the price and purchased our
souls from the fires of everlasting hell and
Stand! Stand up for Jesus.
For he has come that we may have life, and that
Through him we have access to Heaven's gates.
©09/27/2001 Jim Welch
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