September 24 of Arise with Christ
Rejoice all ye Saints
Great things are in store for all who love the Lord
with their whole hearts, souls and minds.
He has prepared a place for you in His Great
Kingdom to come, so wonderful and so
magnificent, that if you saw just a glimpse of it,
your heart would leap with joy.
Set your affections on the things above where
Jesus sits on the Right Hand of God and on the
things to come where Jesus has prepared a place
for you.
Rejoice all ye Saints and again I say rejoice
for Heaven is your home and His Everlasting
Kingdom to come is your destiny.
Lo, He is with you always and He is coming again
to receive you onto Himself that where He is you
will be also.
Rejoice! Rejoice! And I say Rejoice! Amen.
©09/24/2001 Jim Welch
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