September 02 of Arise with Christ
I will find there
Into Thy Presence, Oh Lord, I will come and find
solace there.
Peace in the time of storm
and respite from all earthly cares I will
find there.
A comforting Arm and a Friend in the time
of loneliness I will find there.
A river of life and a lamp in the time of
darkness I will find there.
The Dearest and the most Precious Person
I have ever known I will find there.
Tender hearted love and merciful acts of
kindness I will find there.
A cleansing fire of purification and a renewal
of my spirit and soul I will find there.
A restoration of the joy of my salvation and a
renewal of the joy of living I will find there.
The answer to all my prayers and the provision
for all my needs I will find there.
Into Thy Presence I will come and find all things
I will ever need there.
©09/02/2001 Jim Welch
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