January 22 of Arise with Christ
A glimpse of Heavenly Beauty
The spiritual Heavens, where our God dwells is so wonderful and so beautiful
to see by visions and revelations, that it never ceases to amaze me why so
few Christians even attempt to catch a glimpse of it.
Brethren, the Holy Ghost desires and delights in showing all who ask of Him
visions of glory to come and the Glory that is in Heaven.(revelations).
Ask and you shall receive a glimpse of the Heavenly Beauty.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and our Father who dwells in the Heavens
will send you His Holy Spirit to show you all things and the Father will
add unto you all the things of Heaven.
Break loose from your stagnant religious moors and walk instead in the abundance
of God's Presence then joy shall come.
©01/22/2001 Jim Welch
January directory