December 27 of Arise with Christ
The Word came
Jesus, alone, is the door to the Kingdom
of Heaven.
No man can come to know the
Father, our God, except through him,
Jesus Christ.
John the Baptist said that he could teach
only of earthly things, but the one who would
come after him would teach Heavenly things.
The Word came into the world and took upon
Himself the form of a man, the Lamb of God,
Jesus Christ.
Jesus came into the world to declare the Father and to teach us of
the Father's ways.
Jesus came to make known the Father and to
reveal the Father to us.
In Jesus is life and that life is the light of men.
Jesus Christ is Salvation, and only through Him can
we be saved. There is no other name in heaven or
earth by which we can be saved.
©12/27/2001 Jim Welch
December directory