December 16 of Arise with Christ
Deliver us from all evil
Heavenly Father!
Deliver us from all evil
and purge us from all sin.
Remove from us all our iniquities and restore
to us Your Spirit of goodness and righteousness,
that we may walk in Your pathways of holiness.
Purge us from the dark sins of bitterness,
resentment, discouragement and despair.
Restore to us the bright light of Your love, hope
and faith.
Let our lives be rekindled by Your Heavenly bonfires
of love, joy and peace burning away the chaff of the
sin of hate, sadness and division, that we may walk
together with one mind in the unity of Your Spirit.
Let us all become as one in the Spirit unified by Your
Love with the cross of Your Son, Jesus Christ
going on before.
Marching, marching, like a mighty
army ever onward in cadence to the music of Your
Holy Angels singing with the cross of Jesus going
on before.
©12/16/2001 Jim Welch
December directory