December 13 of Arise with Christ

Open wide the gates

Oh Father, instill in me the spirit of boldness:
  to go into all the world to proclaim the words of Your Son, Jesus Christ;
  to publish the words of inspiration that You have given unto me;
  and to testify of the visions and revelations shown to me by Your Holy Ghost.
Oh Father, open wide the gates and doors of opportunity to bring Your message of hope:
  to Your saints who may be discouraged,
  to Your children who may be spiritually famished
  and to Your people who may be without a shepherd to guide them.
Oh Father:
  let the light of Your love abound anew,
  let the flame of Your joy be rekindled afresh,
  let the Heavenly river Your peace be restored on earth among men of good will.
Oh Father, to Thee I make this earnest prayer in the Name of Your Son Jesus.
©12/13/2001 Jim Welch
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