August 14 of Arise with Christ
Have faith in God
Well pleasing to God is a person whose heart is full of faith.
In these last days many have departed from the Faith and have put their trust more in the things of the earth than in
Faith is not just believing in the existence of God, but also believing that God's ways are better than
your own ways.
To believe that God and God's ways are the best causes a person to abandon his own ways in favor of
God's ways (faith in action).
To die to self then is to become alive to God.
Jesus said, "Whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die."
It is not enough to just believe in God and God's ways but you must live your life God's way.
Yield yourself as a living sacrifice to God and God will give you everlasting life, filled to
overflowing with heavenly abundance.
Have faith in God.
© 08/14/2001 Jim Welch
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