April 10 of Arise with Christ

Trust in the Lord

Be anxious for nothing in this world.
Put your trust in the Lord your God, who is with you always.

He will never leave you, nor will he forsake you.
Put your trust in the Lord your God, who is with you always.

Fear not the things the world may bring your way, for greater is He who is with you than he who is in the world.
Put your trust in the Lord your God, who is with you always.

He was crucified on the cross and paid for the multiple of your sins, thereby bringing Salvation and Everlasting Victory to your life.
Put your trust in the Lord your God, who is with you always.

With God all things are possible.
Put your trust in the Lord your God, who is with you always.

© 04/10/2001 Jim Welch
April directory