September 18 of Arise with Christ

The day of The Lord

The day of The Lord shall come as a thief in the night, at a time when no one is expecting, even so it shall come.
Seeing that you do not know when the Lord shall come than lay aside every sin and meaningless endeavor and set about doing the work of The Lord, that you may be found doing when He comes.
Endeavor to do the will of God for your life every day, lest He comes and finds you steeped in sin.
All who are living in sin when He comes shall be left behind to endure the sufferings and the persecutions that will befall all children of God who are left in the earth when Satan and his bands are cast down.
Blessed are those who are found doing the will of God when Jesus comes for they shall be gathered from the four winds and taken away to His Holy Kingdom.
©09/18/2001 Jim Welch
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