September 15 of Arise with Christ

Get alone in a quiet place with God

Walk with God and listen to His still small voice whispering like the wind in your ear.
The distractions of this world can easily block out the sound of His Voice when He is speaking to you.
Pray daily. Get alone in a quiet place with God in secret.
This is how Jesus taught us to pray.
Alone with God.
Jesus said, "When the Father sees you get alone with Him in secret He will reveal Himself openly to you."
Paul taught us to walk in the Spirit and to die daily to the desires of our flesh.
For it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the Mouth of God.
Blessed are they who hear the Voice of God when He speaks to them.
His words are food for the soul and they are life.
Our Father's words have the power to transform the lives of all who hear.
©09/15/2001 Jim Welch
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