November 29 of Arise with Christ

For everything there is a time

For everything there is a time and a season.
There is a time to be born and time to die.
There is a time to laugh and a time to cry.
There is a time to make new friends and a time to renew old acquaintances.
There is a time to pray and a time to labor for the Lord.
There is a time to speak and a time to remain silent.
There is a time to stand fast and a time to yield.
There is a time of darkness and a time of light.
There is a time of sadness and a time of joy.
There is a time of defeat and a time of victory.
There is a time of suffering and a time to be uplifted.
There is a time of death and a time to be resurrected.
There is the time of the Kingdom of God and a time to become joint-heirs of everlasting glory.
© 11/29/2001 Jim Welch
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