May 03 of Arise with Christ

Be part of the Kingdom of Heaven

It is better to be an outcast in the Kingdom of God then to be great in the kingdoms of the earth without being part of the Kingdom of God.
It is better to be the least in the Kingdom of Heaven than to be a king on earth and not be part of the Kingdom of Heaven.
It is better to be the lowliest of God's children rejected by all people than to receive great honor and praise of men and not be one of God's children.
It is better to suffer defeats and never win a single victory in the service of the Lord than to win great victories on earth and not be one of the Lord's servants.
It is better to be part of the Father's Kingdom and be desperately poor then to be extremely rich on earth and not be part of the Father's Kingdom.
If we are part of the Kingdom of Christ we are joint heirs of God's future Everlasting Kingdom.
©05/03/2001 Jim Welch
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