July 16 of Arise with Christ

Look for good

Destroy not that which is holy nor trample under foot anything that is good.
Look for the good in the acts of others instead of looking for evil.
A good man is good because he looks for good.
Because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold.
Because an evil man sees evil everywhere and in everything he loses his love.
Love is the basis of goodness.
There isn't any good without love.
Because a good man sees good everywhere and in everything his love grows and grows.
Seek to love others and put away all judging.
Do not judge.
Seek to praise others for their good.
Never seek to condemn others.
Have you ever noticed that the wicked are the first to judge and seek revenge while the righteous are the first to forgive.
Forgive, forgive, forgive.
© 07/16/2001 Jim Welch
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