February 03 of Arise with Christ

Unconditionally love one another

Oh Lord, purge us from all evil and let Your ways become our ways and let our ways become a reflection of Your ways.
Let Your will be done in our lives even as it shall be when we all have gathered together in Heaven.
Pour out Your Spirit upon us and cause us to abound in Love, Joy and Peace.
Brethren, let us learn to love one another with the same love that Jesus, our Precious Lord and Savior has loved us.
Brethren, we are not of this world, we are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven and joint heirs with Jesus Christ of everlasting life and glory.
Then why do we allow things of the world to divide us such as politics, national origins, social class, denominations etc.?
Brethren, unconditionally love one another.
©02/03/2001 Jim Welch
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