April 17 of Arise with Christ

Heaven is your home

Christ suffered on the cross for the sins of many and He arose on the third day sealing the promise of redemption.  
Let all things be subject to His atoning blood in your life.
Being purified by it, we can live holy lives, pleasing to the Heavenly Father, fully reconciled.
Without it, we would remain in our sins, unclean and unholy, doomed to everlasting destruction and shame.
Through Christ Jesus we have been given the power to become the sons of the Living God.
Thereby, we become joint heirs of everlasting life and honor.
Being sons of the Living God, our affections should not be on earthly things, because this is not our home.
Set your affections on the things of Heaven where Christ sits on the Right Hand of God.
Heaven is your home.

© 04/17/2001 Jim Welch
April directory